Spider-Man (2002)
Teenager Peter Parker turns into a superhero when he is bitten by a radioactive spider. When his beloved uncle is brutally murdered by robbers, Peter swears that he will use his extraordinary strength to avenge his death. Known from this moment on as "Spider-Man", Peter begins to fight crime, which leads to an inevitable conflict with the sinister Green Goblin.
Jungle Cruise (2021)
Lily wants to find a legendary tree with remarkable healing properties that could change the world of medicine. To this end, she travels from London to Amazon, where she hires the mysterious Frank. Only his ruined but beautiful boat La Quila has a chance to reach its destination. At first glance, a completely incompatible pair of heroes will have to face supernatural forces hidden in the deceptive beauty of the tropical forest during a joint expedition. The closer Lily and Frank get to solving the mystery of the lost tree, the more fate will put them through more and more difficult trials, putting not only their lives, but also all of humanity at stake.
Mission Impossible 2 (2000)
Ethan Hunt, an agent with a disarming smile, is faced with a new "impossible" task — to steal the deadly mutant virus "Chimera" from the hands of ruthless terrorists. The very first shots of the film promise a lot of fun in the best Hollywood style. The plot gains momentum when Agent Hunt learns that the terrorist he is hunting is his doppelganger, equally elegant and ruthless.
The Godfather 2 (1974)
Francis Ford Coppola continues the Godfather trilogy, once again collaborating with writer Mario Puzo and showing the fate of two generations of the Corleone family in a ruthless quest for power. The director divided his film into two parts. In the first, which is a kind of prequel, he presented the fate of the young Don Vito, played by Robert De Niro. The second part, which is a continuation of the original, shows how Michael comes to power in a mafia family. By bringing together many great actors who contributed to the success of the first "The Godfather," Coppola has undoubtedly created the best sequel in the history of cinema.
Doomsday Night Forever (2021)
Doomsday Night Forever is the fifth installment of the "Night of Purification" series. Since 2013, subsequent films have attracted millions of viewers worldwide and earned about half a billion dollars. In addition, a TV series of the same name was created based on the films. In the last part, we will see the events of the Night of Purification again, where the law no longer applies, and all crimes can be committed with impunity. Best porn site https://noodlemagazine.com - Watch porn.